Tag: testimonio

  • “We Look At the World Once, In Childhood”

    “We Look At the World Once, In Childhood”

    I’m not much of a Louise Gluck lover, I find her poetry a bit distant, cold; but I sure like that one line she wrote, We look at the world once, in childhood. The rest is memory. To think of our entire life, and that, all that happened after our childhood is the memory, and…

  • My Homeland: The Mission District, San Francisco

    My Homeland: The Mission District, San Francisco

    The above is a shot of the house we lived in when I was a toddler, Mission District, San Francisco. That’s my daughter Emily. I’m heading to San Francisco this week, to get away for a few days. It’ll be my vacation this year. Two of my kids live there, so we’ll hang out. And…

  • El Testimonio: César Vallejo y la búsqueda de mis raíces

    El Testimonio: César Vallejo y la búsqueda de mis raíces

    Every once in a while I do a podcast in Spanish, and talk about what it means to be Latino today, in the U.S. Porque, para mí, el español siempre fue, y es, el idioma de amor–ese amor de la niñez, cuando las mujeres de la casa en mi pueblo natal, San Francisco, CA–las tías,…